Helping children and the enviroment NJy Camps & Kitchen Intuitons rally !
NJy Camps is a getting a new look in some of the kitchens thanks to the combined efforts of Kitchen Intuitions, KraftMaster Renovations and two Homeowners donating their old cabinetry. NJy Development Director, Ellen Goldner contacted Bob Gockeler, Owner of Kitchen Intuitions and inquired if they ever had cabinetry that was taken out newly remodeled kitchen that could be repurposed and donated to the camp.
Timing is everything in life, it just so happened that two kitchens that were about to be demolished by KraftMaster Renovations for families that are doing kitchen renovations are identifed as potential canidates. Photo's of the existing cabinetry were sent to Ellen and to her delight they would work for the kitchens they are updating, including the gluten free kitchen.
The homeowner's had spend many days in the kitchen and created wonderful memories so they were delighted knowing that their kitchen wouldnt be rotting in a landfill. Rather its getting a second life and helping children from all over the world better enjoy their summer vacations creating more memories! |
Reclaiming cabinetry requires careful removal, actually it's un-installing vs smashing during the demolition phase of a remodel. It takes quite a bit more time but the crew at KraftMaster was happy to do their part to help the cause.
Bob Gockeler helps out with the unloading the guys made it look easy as they out number him 4 to 1 |
Luckily, there were some camp counselors eager to help unload the very full truck |
Truly a team effort getting some of the large cabinetry into the camp cabins. |
Cabinetry from relaimed kitchens arrive in one of the Kitchen Intuitions delivery trucks to the camp in Milford, PA |
Thanks to these counselors Steven Meris Jay Pitchforth Jason Hosiassohn Maegan Futzgerald-Webb |
What a sweet note from Ellen ! |
About the camp:
The NJy Camps is comprised of eight Jewish camps which serves the entire Jewish community ranging from special needs children to senior adults. They contuniually seek to help each camper develop and grow new skills, greater self confidence, and a strong Jewish identity and commitment to their heritage that will help shape the course of their lives. Deeply gratifed they see their campers, each summer, leave camp as better human beings with an enhanced Jewish identity and commitment.
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