Making the decision to remodel your home should not be taken lightly. There is a significant expense to it, along with some temporary inconveniences. But when done right, the positives of having your home modernized clearly outweigh the negatives. And if the job is well-planned and executed correctly, many of those negative aspects can be avoided or minimized anyway.

If you’d like to make your renovation go as smoothly as possible, here are 5 remodeling mistakes homeowners need to avoid:


1. Trying to be your own general contractor. This is truly the biggest mistake any homeownerremodeling mistakes 2 can make. The lure of wanting to save some money by hiring your own specialists to complete each part of your home remodel is understandable. But in the end, it will always cost you more money. The job of a general contractor is a hard one that requires a ton of experience. From shipping delays, to scheduling errors, to misunderstandings, there are a million things that can go wrong on a home renovation. Having an experienced New Jersey contractor handling these situations and taking responsibility will end up costing you less in the end. Not to mention the fact that their industry experience will often get them discounts that'll save you a ton of money.


2. Going with the cheapest estimate no matter what. You’ve avoided mistake #1 by deciding to go with an experienced New Jersey contractor. Now it’s time to get estimates, which can be all over the board with regards to price. And of course, you want to save as much money as you can. But all bids and all contractors are not created equal. Often, you get what you pay for. Plus, unscrupulous contractors will sometimes leave out parts of the job and spring them on you later as “unforeseen circumstances” that were actually noticeable upfront. But now your bathroom is ripped out, and you basically have no choice to comply and pay more. That brings us to #3…

remodeling mistakes 3


3. Not checking references. Any reputable New Jersey contractor should be able to provide you with multiple references. It’s your responsibility to ask for them and check them. And check more than one! There’s no better way to get an idea about how a remodeling company handles itself on a job than by calling references. You should also ask for before and after pictures of a job like yours. If you’re doing a bathroom remodel, get pictures. A kitchen remodel? Pics. A home addition? Same thing. You just want to be sure that the contractor has done similar work to yours in the past.


4. Not talking openly about your budget. Conversations about money are always a little difficult. But when you’re remodeling your house, being open about how much you want to spend is incredibly important. It is extremely helpful to your New Jersey contractor to have this information up front. Some of the more forward-thinking ones will even have you fill out a Budget Planner before they come out to your home so they can be more prepared. It will save both you and them a ton of time, effort, and frustration. Do not be worried that your budget is too low. A good remodeling company will be able to fit your renovation around your budget as long as you are open and honest about it at the start.


5. Signing a contract that you don’t understand. Just like in any other business, contracts remodeling mistakes 4for home remodeling jobs can be a bit confusing. Before you sign your name on the dotted line, read through it thoroughly. If you don’t understand something, ask your contractor. They will be happy to answer honestly, as confusion is bad for them as well. As a tip, make sure you focus on sections that discuss warranties and change orders, as the rules on these things should be stated clearly in the contract, and may become important down the line.


The experienced professionals at KraftMaster Renovations will help you avoid these 5 vital mistakes. Contact them at 908-517-5581, or click here to fill out the online contact form.


KMR Renovate
KMR Renovate

The images in our portfolio illustrate only a few of our projects and capabilities. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or requests for other samples that might better suit your needs.

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